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What I've Been Reading - February Week 1

Here's an excerpt from James Corbett's The WHO Global Tax Proposals which I hope intrigues you to click on the whole article:

In 1996, the Philippine Medical Association concluded that tetanus vaccines administered as a part of a WHO vaccination program in that country contained hCG. Women who had taken the vaccine and suffered miscarriage shortly thereafter were found to have had the hCG anti-bodies. That the hCG could have accidentally ended up in the tetanus vaccines is almost unthinkable, especially since tetanus toxoids in particular have been known as ideal carriers for the hormone since at least 1980. In 2004, independent testing of a polio vaccine being administered by UNICEF found sterilizing agents had been added to those vaccines as well. In Thailand, the tetanus vaccine is routinely administered to women during pregnancy, often resulting in spontaneous abortions.

Those last two links are especially interesting.

I'm only mentioning this because:

1) Truth always sets you free.
2) You won't unwittingly hurt others or be hurt yourself.

But because the Bible says to be happy, here's another link that will put all that into perspective and that has always made the world faaaade away for me: You can watch Johnny Ramsay's The Power and Privilege of Preaching online here. If you don't have much time, try 5 minutes.


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No profanity, please, "... but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Eph 4:29)