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Roger Campbell Gospel Meeting Trip - Day 4

Saturday, 12 March 2011 (Day 4 of 6)

Tracy and I got on the train the next day and met up with Sister Wang, Dorcas, Jane3, Bing Bing and Blanchard; all of us taking the train with Roger Campbell to Taichung, the next city where he was scheduled to preach - all different sermons, too.

The preacher's home in Taichung, John and Michelle Yo's apartment, where we've stayed many times before:

The guys getting ready to go play basketball with my brother. Back when he was 11, the preacher's son Ben (far left) stayed with us for a year when he had to go to school in Kaohsiung. He is such a happy-go-lucky sweet kid all our neighbors loved him too:

Joyce (far right) arrived from Kaohsiung - this was the first chance her college schedule had allowed her to attend the gospel meetings:

Sister Wang. So many interesting discussions have happened at this table:

Brother Yo and Tracy talking with Joyce:

That night, I think most of the young people hung on Brother Campbell's lesson, "Love Before Marriage 婚前的愛", and he certainly got some questions afterward. All in Chinese: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, or you can click on the videos below:

Having fun singing in English after the meeting:

Related posts:

Roger Campbell Gospel Meeting Trip - Day 1
Roger Campbell Gospel Meeting Trip - Day 2
Roger Campbell Gospel Meeting Trip - Day 3
Roger Campbell Gospel Meeting Trip - Day 4: You are here

1 comment:

  1. Finally!!!:-) Good to 'see' you tonight! And Candy! Are these all the pictures! PLEASE post more - and PLEASE post them quicker! Hope you get that kitchen computer fixed soon! Then you can show Gretchen how to use it, and SHE can post picture!!!
    Love you much!


No profanity, please, "... but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Eph 4:29)